
This Site Has Died.

Pingu Pigloo recently withdrawed his participation to this Website. Without Pingu Pigloo, there is nothing much more we can do. I Now Pronouce this Site Dead, and link you to a better Site:


So Long Fellow Blogger’s, Waddle on in Cp. 😉

Check out Pingu Pigloo’s Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/pingupigloo


Club Penguin iPhone App?

Earlier this month, there was an interview with Billybob. Billybob said that the team is making a REAL Club penguin app! Yes, Club Penguin will be the first online game to have a non-flash iPhone App! Lotsa fakes out there. He said that it will be available within the next year.


Field Op #8 Cheat!

Well first go to the command room and go to the field ops screen, accept the mission then head to the dojo courtyard. Waddle to the camera (your spy phone will blink green.) Click it and then solve the puzzle.

If you’re a member, you can get something, if you’re a non-member, you can get the earpiece then have fun collecting medals!


Club Penguin Game Day for Wii!


A few days ago the Club Penguin website updated on the new Club Penguin Wii Game. It was revealed that tons of games are on the game that take full advantage of the Wii Remote. There are also four team colors, including a new yellow color. it was also revealed that members AND non-members can transfer the items they bought on the game to their online account. We all saw this coming because Disney has already released the 2 DS games, so a Wii Game was also expected.



Yes, The Compass pin. It is located in the Boiler room.


Update on STAMPS…and stuff

Yah! Stamps have arrived. Guess what? Billybob has confirmed that stamps will me added MONTHLY.

The stamp book is pretty cool, though some don’t know how to edit their stampbook. It is done by simply clicking the pencil in the bottom right corner. (this feature is MEMBERS-ONLY)

Haha, whatcha think of mine?

Oh hey, did you know you can ROTATE the stick ones on your stamp book? simply click the stamp and use the arrow keys to rotate. 😉


Have you seen the August updates?

July 30 Blog Image.jpg

BillyBob Tells us Some interesting things happening in August. Updates for the Elite Agents, New stamps, MANY new surprises for members…and of course A PARTY. YES August 13th Marks the Mountain Expidition!

AND ONE MORE… Minor Change to club penguin.

Cart Surfer Now offers Double the Coins then before! Yes, Easy money 8)


Stamps Have Arrived!

The stamps are here oh joy oh joy. There is a total of 107 of them for you to collect. Some of them are for meeting famous penguins and others are for members, they include things like filling your igloo. Also, club enguin changed some of the games so that some levels are member only! I know that there are lots of non-members out there who are outraged at this,  hasn’t CP rewarded members enough?


Club Penguin Going Educational?

Recently a source has interviewed Lane Merrifield, the CEO of Club Penguin, also known as Billybob. during the interview, Billybob stated that they were planning to create a “21st century Sesame Street.” He also stated that penguins will be rewarded for playing games that use their reading and math skills. Even though, Billybob is determined to keep things fun. Many penguins have emailed Club Penguin and were told that it was a mere rumour, though some called Club Penguin and were told that it was true. Hopefully Club Penguin won’t mess this up, but only time will tell what happens.


Ode to the Admins.

Who in their right mind would dare to post,

With only one sentance to host?

Weetota and Goldie Green,

I’m sorry if I’m sounding mean.

Sorry that I’m on your back,

But if a proper post is what you lack,

Now when you post, please do think twice.

Post something good, that would be nice.


Now, in better news, the Jam is here

Udpates are coming, no need to fear!!

~Pingu Pigloo





Posting again, Baby!

Take some time to rejoice,

Once again, you’ll hear my voice.

Brining news to you, big and small.

To all penguins, short or tall.

Fireworks sound

All through the town

To welcome me home,

Now you aren’t alone.

So penguins, continue to waddle!

Okay, I warned you since the beginning of the blog that my poetry was awful. This hasn’t changed.

So, I’m back. Postin’ again. For a little while. I’ve gotten some lackies to post in my place too. Let’s see how long that lasts.

~ Pingu Pigloo

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